Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 3, 2012 - Day #23 of our adventure

Yesterday we hit the garage sales again and Donna & Top Kellerman, Leta's sister and brother-in-law, came down from Kansas City and spent some time with us.  At the RV park where we are staying they have a western music show every Saturday night.  Last night we attended the show and it was really a good show.  There was a sixteen year old vocalist, Malena Rose, who performed as one of the guest last night and after the show we got her autograph and had our picture taken with her.  She has an amazing voice.

Leta & Lester found more bags and Roger found a pogo stick
This was a huge sale!!
At McDonald's after the sale to get our senior drink
Leta, Roger, Catie, Lester & Marilyn with Malena Rose
Today Sunday June 3, 2012
Julie Hoskins, Roger's daughter is here from South Carolina and several weeks ago Roger & Leta planned to have a reunion in Kansas City since all the kids and grandkids would be here in the area.  Roger rented a place at Deanna Rose Farmstead and had planned to have family pictures taken because it had been several years since they have been together in one place all at once.  With the Elliott's, Morgan's and Hoskins' family there were around 52 present today for the celebration.  Hope you enjoy the pictures of the Elliott-Morgan families.

Jason, Jennifer, Roger & Julie

Roger & Leta with Julie & Dave Hoskins, Jennifer & Michael Hohler, Jason & Tera Elliott, Mike & Sherry Morgan, Kirk & Jessica Morgan, Tara Hill & her husband and all the grandkids.  This is a great looking group.

All the grandkids with grandpa & grandma.
I am having trouble uploading pictures for some reason tonight but I have pictures of all the kids taken separately with a birthday cake.  I will try and post them later on in my trip. 

Jennifer Hohler, Marilyn & Julie Hoskins

Lester & Marilyn just enjoying the day with family.

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