Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday June 1, 2012 - Day #21 of our adventure

Today we went to the Louisburg Cider Mill in Louisburg KS.  They won't start making cider until sometime in August when the apples are ripe but they are making root beer and soda.  We watched them bottle the soda on the assembly line.  They make apple cider donuts which are quite good. 

The Cider Mill
Lester standing outside the Country Store at the Cider Mill
Lester & Roger inside the country store
We are enjoying our apple cider donuts and cider outside the store
After the cider mill we went to Overland Park.  Lester & Leta wanted to find some garage sales.  We couldn't seem to find any just driving around so I put into my GPS Navigator "Garage Sales in Overland Park".  I never dreamed it would pick up any but it found some and directed us to the address.  We then ask if there were others in the area and ended up going to several.  Below are pictures of some of our finds.

Leta was sooo excited that she found a computer bag for $1.  

The person who was holding the garage sale took our picture
Roger & Leta found some chairs at another sale. Roger is holding up the $8 they paid for them.
Oh, by the way Lester has an announcement to make.  This is Topper who will be accompanying us on our trip.
This evening we went to Kansas City to visit Leta's son Michael Morgan and his family.  They built a fire in the front yard and we made smores.  Some of the neighbors came over with their instruments and we had fun listening and singing along.  See pictures below.

Michael starting the fire in front of the garage
Makela played the viola for us and Paige is on the right.  They are Michael's daughters.
Lester, Roger & Leta enjoying the evening
Making Smores
Lester & Roger joining in the fun
All in all it was a busy day.

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