Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day #31 - Tuesday June 12, 2012

This morning we took pictures of the area where we used to live and where my brother lives.  It is planting time and my brother, Roger, my nephew Jason and his son Craig are out in the fields today getting the ground ready and planting milo and beans.  Brought back memories of what I used to do on the farm when I was growing up and after Lester & I were married we farmed around 600 acres of rented ground.

Roger & Leta's garden.  We have had sweet corn to eat.  It sure tastes good!!  Will probably take some with us when we leave here tomorrow.  Will also take new potatoes with us too. YUM YUM!!  Lester said "this is what sweet corn looks like on the hoof" whatever that means.

Taken in Roger's kitchen this morning
Trying to keep fit even though I am on vacation.
Roger in the field planting soybeans
Time to fill up the planter
My great-nephew Craig with the digger working up the ground so his grandpa, Roger, can plant.  Craig is 12 yrs old.  I didn't have tractors with cabs on them when I was his age and working in the fields!  Didn't have tractors this big either!! How times have changed.  Oh well, I guess that is progress.
Well, Lester and I are off to pick the rest of the sweet corn.  Will be traveling back to Joplin MO tomorrow and will keep you posted from there.

1 comment:

  1. Marilyn and Lester, Mike is going to be green with envy! He tries to plant corn each yr. but it is not hot enough! I see your sister and her hubby bought a motor home! So they are going to get ready for Leon's retirement coming up! We were going to buy a motor home several yrs. ago but decided to wait. I am glad we did.Mike ended up with several surgeries and it would of just sat 4 yrs. We found a rustic beach rental we went to last yr. and that is what we will probably do again this yr. We were across the street from the ocean. Enjoy your "mini" farming :) sampling the food! Enjoying your travel blog and keeping up with where you are at with your travels.
