Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday May 27, 2012

Joint Rural High School in Start KS where I went to high school.  It is located out in the country next to the railroad tracks.  We had our football games across the road in the cow pasture.  The last class that graduated from Stark was 1967.  The alumni have kept it up and it is now used as a community center.

The top picture is the class of 1962 graduating class which is hanging in the hall of the school.  The picture below is how we look now.  One of my classmates contacted all of us and asked us to send in a bio of what had happened after graduation and a little about our life.  Also asked each of us to send a picture of when we were in our 30's and a recent picture.  She then made up the board above and had it on display for the reunion.

They had a reception time before the banquet and Marilyn is talking with Don Richwine.  He married Nancy Rice which graduated in 1966.

Here is Marilyn with Jim McGee and his wife Nelda Sue.  Nelda Sue lived just across the creek from us when we lived on the farm.  They have twin boys.

In my freshman year there were only four girls in the class.  The picture here is the four of us, Elizabeth Mahoney, Berva Rost, Sharen Defebaugh and Marilyn.  We talked about how we four took drivers ed together.  In our sophomore year they consolidated the Elsmore and Glaesburg high schools and they all attended Stark High school.

After the banquet we had pictures taken of the whole class.  It was very interesting to see how we all have changed.  If you have ever seen the movie "A League of Their Own" where they organized a girls baseball team during the war and then forty years or so later they were inducted into the Hall of Fame; well, that is the feeling I had last night when I saw all of my classmates.  It was hard to believe that is has actually been 50 years since we were all together.

Lester & I after the banquet and just before leaving the school.  Hope you enjoy!!

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