Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thursday July 5, 2012

We left Flagstaff AZ early Wednesday morning.  Traveled to Tonopah AZ and spent the night.  We arrived in Cathedral City CA this afternoon around 2 pm.  Two of our granddaughters, Amanda and Brittany are here in CA.  Amanda came by the RV park where we are staying this afternoon and we visited with her before she had to go to work.  Later this afternoon Brittany stopped by and we had a good visit with her also.  Had not seen them since they graduated from high school.

We have seen a lot of country and been to a lot of places since we left on May 11, 2012  Can't hardly believe it has been almost two months since we left.  It is really hot here in CA.  We will be leaving here tomorrow and heading to the Long Beach area.  From there we will work our way back to WA.  Here are some of the scenery we have seen in the last couple of days.

Where we stayed in Phoenix while we were broke down.
Lester with Topper in front of the shop where our camper was.
Parked at the shop
A view from the motel in Flagstaff
Back on the road finally on July 4th
Landscape along the way
Julie, here are some tall cactus
Phoenix AZ
The RV park where we stayed July 4th in Tonopah AZ
Lester & Topper
View from our campsite in Tonopah AZ
Landscape on our way to CA
Amazing views all along the way
Looks as if we are driving right into the mountain
Trucking on down the highway
Welcome to California!!
An old car where we stopped for gas
Old tractor
Marilyn with Amanda & Topper
Amanda with Topper

Brittany with Topper
Marilyn & Brittany
Grandpa with Brittany

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